An intro – vert

I am an introvert. So, naturally I live in my fortress

I remain independent. Responsible for my own mess

I have built around me an unobtrusive moat

Judgements rocking my beat-up boat

Are scrutinized before allowed to enter

Courteous civilities at the periphery. Me in the center


I have friends select and few. Relationships to anew

I am not so adept at. Each conversation is under review

Weather talk and irrelevant banter I just cannot humor

I take existence rather seriously. Or at least that’s the rumor

Life is no book, open and shut for all to read and tell

If you try to pry in mine, I simply return to my shell


It’s not as if I can’t apprehend people or comprehend life

I investigate idiosyncrasies, I appreciate all its strife

Expansive emotions expressed extensively

Simply do not come easily to me

I need my space. I need my place wherein to reside

Behind silent sighs and soft smiles, I camouflage and hide


A good book, a kadak chai. A decent device with internet

Loose comfy clothes which hide me. And a writing set

Soaking in the beauty of nature is not measured as platitude

An introvert’s kit is essentially all about a fulfilling solitude

Country roads take me home to the place I belong

Is it any wonder I love this ageless Denver song

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