
Whenever I am working, I am missing out on fun

And whenever I am funning, I am missing out on sleep

Whenever I am sleeping, I am missing out on life

Yet whenever I am living, its fruits I cannot reap!


I run after this and I run after that

This of course does not prevent me from going fat

It just gives some solace I believe I am productive

Actually, it’s the same race and I am another rat


Whenever I am discerning I am missing ignorance

And when I am ignoring I am missing out on bliss

Whenever I am blissful I take the wrong turn

Because when I am blissful I am certain something’s amiss!


So be happy. Be stupid. Just laugh at yourself

The best way to sail through this crazy conundrum

Is to look up, look forward. Never look back

Why so serious? Make light of the humdrum

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