Thank you God

If our earth was just a little away from the sun…

Too hot, too cold whatever be it, life would not be fun.


If lush green lawns were of any other color…

Too dry, too wry, moods would certainly be duller.


If flowers did not open to such psychedelic bloom…

Too listless, too lovelorn, there would descend a gloom.


If there were no birds in their vibrant splendor…

Too silent, too harsh, we’d never learn to be tender.


If four legged creatures never walked the wide world…

Too tame, too lame, we’d be in an imbalanced swirl.


If we were not thirsty, if there was no water…

Too blue, too bland, we’d not survive a quarter.


If land was not land and sea was not sea…

Too hapless, too helpless, just where would we be?


If there was at the poles, no formation of ice…

Too warm, too wintry, Al Gore’s speeches would not suffice.


If each note, each strain was not in such perfect refrain…

Too lackadaisical, too lazy, there’d be no pain – no gain!


If there was no God to weave mindboggling magic…

Too pessimistic, too atheist, life would have been tragic.


If you choose to grumble, if you choose to cry…

Too hurried, too stressed, life will quietly pass by.


If you choose to say ‘thank you God’, you do not realize…

How swiftly, how softly, how paradoxically, happiness multiplies.


Armed with attitude, you may select your latitude…

Too rough, too tough, however you reflect, just voice your gratitude!

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