5 minutes

Give yourself a special five minutes each day

For every little burden you carry there will be a way

One deep breath two alternate solutions and a count till three

The fourth minute will approach and you begin to see

In that quiet space of time how much can be resolved

No anger no overthinking and already you have evolved


Give your family a special five minutes each day

To listen and not hear just let them have their say

One reason two sides of a conversation and a count till three

The fourth minute will bring harmony and you begin to see

In that quality time you spent with those who love you

How we are all in it together with much to relish and little to rue


Give your best friend a special five minutes each day

It gives the spirits a little fillip and the shine of a sunny ray

One celebration two chalices in hand and a count till three

The fourth minute will spell out fun and you begin to see

In that cherished moment how much a friend can elevate

The moods the joys the memories enhancing your palate


Give your soul a special five minutes each day

Delve into some introspection understand how to pray

One grace two things to thank for and a count till three

The fourth minute you will be overwhelmed by the bounty

Gratitude for what you have begets more and more

Each thankyou and every acquittal transform the very core

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