Take it easy

The foot is on the pedal the sprint is unbroken

Clamoring for action even before the word is spoken

This steeplechase is slowly making me a bit queasy

I wish I could step off the treadmill and take it a little easy

Life is racing past even as I ace the rat race

I want to breathe in the scenery I wish to cut off the pace


The expectancies are higher the performances contrived

Social pressures are replacing simple pleasures I derived

This constant need to keep update with trends and crazes

I wish I could ignore it all the criticisms and the praises

Life is racing past even as I stop for a respite

Did we really opt for this existence this state is so contrite


This rainbow is a mirage capturing colored desires in a prism

I call it crafty marketing they call it capitalism

Jargon is clervely whitewashed and packaged in gold

Someone somewhere decides my needs and lo! I am sold

Life is racing past even as I recall indulgences that had no cost

Now at every turn of the road hoarders and hoardings accost


Where am I heading the shaft is speeding towards a dead-end

The ones who hold my being for ransom select each trend

I am lured into a life of a lifetime eyes blinded by the bright light

The shine is Lucifer’s hallmark I am actually hurtling towards night

Life is racing past even as I try to hit pause button with all my might

There is no giving up now or ever. There will be a way to set it right

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