Childhood memories

I am talking of an age perhaps not so long ago

A mere million years I guess after the dinosaur

When we were in school and school was fun

We were given homework and it was not a burden

We went on the playgrounds and ran for real

Water was for free and we would freely share a meal


I am talking of an era some decades before today

Man had stepped on the moon where he did not weigh

When we used to read books and books were fun

We visited libraries for more when we were done

Imagination soared past the pages without boundaries

I could own my dreams and reveries without any worries


I am talking of a time when time was not as expensive

Some of it was actually free the cost was relative

When we went for movies and movies were fun

Tickets were affordable popcorn did not have us undone

Technicolor cinema with black and white documentaries

Three hours in a theatre where time would often freeze


I am talking of some years ago yet it feels like thousands more

It seems like only yesterday it sounds like folklore

When we were kids and we could remain kids without guilt

I don’t know why and when we gave our kids this world we built

Racing against time contesting with friends procuring futures

Where have we left behind those simple routines we nurtured


I am talking of yesterday as if it was too good to be true

It might sound as one-sided without giving today its due

When we got away with being naïve and minimal was fun

Food competition and air was healthy we were not always on the run

Today inventions and innovations have accomplished abundance

Intelligence has become artificial but emotions are still dense


I am talking less and less nowadays I am getting out of touch

Google and Wikipedia know it all nothing left to know as such

When we were in school playground movies and our homes

We were a lot dafter believing in Santa Claus and gnomes

Today we have superior cutting-edge lifestyles no doubt

We can now store our own memories up in a cloud

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