The search

I sat down one day to rearrange my many stray thoughts

There was one strain in common I realized as I linked the dots

They all led me away from regular routines and humdrum

They only gave me pointers never solved my conundrum


No single point to start no definite road to freedom

The fog on the roadmap stopped me from claiming fiefdom

I trudged along the mindscape in search of divine direction

When all I had to do was introspection instead of inaction


Some stray ones wandered away into the overthinking zone

Some thoughts did not belong I had mustered them on loan

Being me was not easy I was this assortment of prejudices

Honed by public opinions and rulings cognizance was in crisis


The backlog pressed and pushed for place now it was time

To sift old ideas out of the head and keep the ones sublime

This minimalism would lead to paucity of thought I suspected

But discarding old beliefs benefitted my space was now respected


The thoughts realigned themselves once I sorted my sentiments

The sentiments then infused some courage in my rearmaments

My search itself was my answer my reactions sought redressal

Each thought was gaining in strength too formidable to fizzle

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