The race and the blinkers

Like pedigreed racehorses who never slacken pace

Put your blinkers on if you wish to win the race

You must learn how to disregard rude interruptions

You must simply go past the digressions and disruptions


The race is hardcore and competition will only get stiff

Keeping tab of another’s progress may lead you to the cliff

Keep your blinkers on to ignore faults and follies of another

Keep your temper bridled don’t let witlessness bother


Some participators are in it for the power and prestige

Some run the race with a mindset in place to hold siege

Lucifer is also running alongside and sprints in style

A little doubt here and there his style is to beguile


The guardians of society will have lots of advice

Noteworthy or flippant each advice has a price

Sometimes well-intentioned it is not always on course

Sometimes it is clothed in cashmere yet rather coarse


Your blinkers will be handy on rough bumpy racetracks

You can make up with perseverance where the skill lacks

If the tortoise can take on the hare in a race that is unfair

Then you can combat odds without fear of how you will fare


Yes you are perchance deprived of a wider world view

While others race with eyes wide shut there are some like you

Who acknowledge blinkers as part of the gear to run the race

Partial vision total concentration because it’s a steeplechase


The less you are affected by those running side by side

The less you overhear opinions prejudices and remarks snide

You eliminate the burden of expectations to win at any cost

Sheer gut and clear conscience and you will never get lost

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