We wake up each morning we have no clue
When our time will be up and the Reaper is due
Our day is perpetually crammed with things to do
Fixated on our own significance we huff and we puff
At which point will we stop and say enough!
We count our moneys more often than our blessings
We hoard much more than we need it’s embarrassing
No sight of the finish line and still we are racing
There is always this feeling the going is rough
At which point will we stop and say enough!
We live in lavish spaces built by homeless laborers
We wish to impress our invitees in return of favors
Our bubble is rock solid our illusions are our protectors
We then have audacity to call this existence tough
At which point will we stop and say enough!
We play politics in the garb of social skills
We manipulate people and stockpile the frills
We mourn our dead hoping to fine-tune their wills
We can’t find courage to call off our own bluff
At which point will we stop and say enough!
We work hard at social networking to gain fame
The sheer effort we put in to elevate our name
For our faults we always find someone else to blame
We are expending precious time for this stuff
At which point will we stop and say enough!