
If we could teach ourselves and our children what it is to be human

If we could see beyond the differences how much we have in common

If we could make compassion a compulsory subject in each institution

Then care would be cultivated freely it would not be mere obligation


If we could start a Mexican wave of kindness on earth and make history

If we could repeat that history imagine the undulation and the chemistry

If we could let the heart make decisions and the soul nourish the mind tree

Then care would not come at such a cost kindness would be free


If we could continue the barter system and exchange our wants and needs

If we could give selflessness and support in return of all the good deeds

If we could repay affection with respect and appreciate the hand that feeds

Then care would replace every circumstance where heartlessness leads


If we could comprehend how much we gain by giving and forgiving

If we could understand how giving and not amassing is the key to living

If we could count our blessings each conscious moment instead of grieving

Then care would nurture our spirit with gratitude and our minds into believing

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