Planet A. No plan B yet.

These tall green trees stand there all day long

Wherever they stand they just seem to belong

How seamlessly does nature assimilate

All the patience in the world to simply stand and wait

My restlessness juxtaposes with their tranquility

Shade. Fruits. Homes. Wood. Giving it all with tenacity


These gentle breezes keep blowing through the day

Pushing white fluffy clouds with it along the way

How tirelessly they suffuse energy

Between seas and lands a strategic synergy

My edginess is allayed with its placidity

Dust. Leaves. Dewdrops. Dreams. Wafting it with serenity


These vast cerulean streams and rivers seas and oceans

Give our planet unique hues and life in varied proportions

How vigorously they perform their duty

Its veneers of passion veiling its beauty

My imperfect vision cannot fathom its profundity

Waves. Winds. Fish. Livelihood. Offering with spontaneity


These solid mountains in shades of grey and brown

So dependable and elegant like the earth wearing a crown

How majestically they stand as if meant

To allow valleys to flourish and volcanoes to give vent

My minion self is overwhelmed by its stature

Snowfall. Landscapes. Caves. Rocks. As if empowering nature


These jade and emerald jungles nurturing the terrain

Sheltering life adding beauty bringing on the rain

How determinedly they flourish and grow

Balancing the conservational flow

My constricted outlook overlooks the sheer impact

Flora. Fauna. Food. Firewood. Protecting with tact

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