The magic of new beginnings

Like butterflies flitting in the garden from flower to flower

Moments were darting here and there in the rush hour

I ran after some in an effort to catch them

Their speed was awesome I could not match them

Tired I closed my eyes and sat back in relaxation

In the serenity of time and space I grasped their reflection

Moments were a process I realized as they transformed

It’s the memories they left behind to which I had warmed

I must make each moment count I now knew

How else will I keep making fresh memories to renew


The magic of new beginnings was sweeping the morning skies

The wind beneath my wings took me to where the eagle flies

Every breath I inhaled I knew I must evolve and grow

Every day I failed to flourish some magic would go

Those tedious routines filled with prejudices and pretenses

Must be shed like old skin as if dropping all defenses

Dawn brings me fragrances of different learning and leaning

Dusk draws the curtain on old grudges the spirit needs spring cleaning

New beginnings are so often disguised as a painful ending

You don’t have to be scared of setbacks you can start over each morning

Thank you

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