Dents and repairs

Don’t focus on what you lack

The comeback is always stronger than the setback

We fall we break we fail we overcome we heal

We recoup our strength the most when we kneel


Don’t give up easily and just bide your time

The best view comes after the hardest climb

When it rains look for rainbows when its dark look for stars

The lionhearted own their beautiful scars


Don’t lose hope don’t lose heart

You will never be ready. Just start

You either have a crack at progress or a bunch of excuses

What would you rather have – a real story to tell or just muses


Don’t treat each day as eventual

Be obsessed with your own potential

If the plan does not work change the plan not the goal

Remember the reward for patience is ten-fold


Don’t stop until you are proud

Do it for yourself not to please the crowd

Those silent battles those broken dreams and what it meant

You have wiped your own tears now celebrate your strength

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