
If you were asked to choose

One name then whose

Destiny would you take

In exchange of yours to make

A new life

Their strife

Their joys and ecstasies

Their pains and fantasies

Will now become yours

Take a pause

And slowly choose

I have a feeling you will refuse

If you realize just how good

Your own journey has been you would

Comprehend how another’s shoes

Can be too tight or too loose

And never meant for you

You will always get what is your due

It’s up to you to choose chance or choice

And give your trajectory your voice

Or keep wishing you had somebody else’s life

Cravings are forever rife

We often meet our destiny on the very road we avoid

Bring your colors to the table and go fill up the void


If you were asked to choose

One attribute then whose

Feature would you desire

When it came down to the wire

Would you select tangible assets

Or would you prefer facets

Of character and charisma

Remember what makes them an enigma

May not suit your bill


You have the total combination

So often our fascination

With another’s ownership

Of things is only the tip

The iceberg of facts stays well hidden

The rest of the world has access forbidden

The perfect face could hide real feeling

The sweet tongue could have a sugarcoated ring

Wealth health lifestyles could easily beguile

Motive and motivation be agreeable or wile

What you covet will come at a price

Like the throwing of a dice

Luck hangs in midair awaiting for you to adjust

And then you have no choice. Adjust you must

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