Fragments of time…

Fragments of the heart were lying around embittered

When came along some free time which I had frittered

Questioning my lack of enthusiasm and intent

Precious moments underutilized and somewhat spent

‘I am static I am moving I am gone yet you recall’ time said

If you don’t repair the spirit verily soon it will be dead


Fragments of memory were playing mischief with my mind

I kept going back for the things that I had left behind

Now time prodded me to keep in step with its pace

‘Don’t treat like I am yours forever I disappear without trace’

Wistfulness and lassitude will take over and hold sway

If you let yesterday use up too much space today


Fragments of timeworn relations were awaiting restoration

No stress-free task this it needs maturity and motivation

Time heals people said even as life passes by

When in reality life pauses God heals and time continues to fly

‘I am yours to spend yet not to own. I am free yet priceless still’

If it’s not destined it won’t work out if it’s meant for you it will


Fragments of my soul were being tested for their wisdom

Where trust was being broken faith was my fiefdom

It takes sadness to appreciate happiness and noise to value silence

The trouble is we think we have time it soon becomes our defense

Time reminded me ‘nobody was ever wise by chance’

If you are not learning your lessons how do you expect to advance

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