Master the game

How beautiful it is to stay silent when you are expected to be enraged

How powerful is the silence compared to words you have exchanged

I must master my silences

They interrupt my defenses

The reactions they are spontaneous the words they are arranged


The pain will disappear once it has finished teaching you

Reproach will crumble into nothingness if it stops reaching you

I must master my grievances

They impact my inferences

The emptiness in eyes remain long after they stopped preaching you


The minute you hate somebody you are defeated by them

That moment you learn to let go and have nobody to blame

I must master my timing

They break rhythm and rhyming

Power when you clench your fist lies in a temperament to tame


We mature with the damage. Not with the years

We overcome imprudence and naiveté. Not our fears

I must master my anxieties

They impede my priorities

What the heart cannot articulate spills out as tears

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