Soft facts

Talk quietly breathe deeply keep patience as your confidante

Think sensibly live honestly there is nothing that you can’t

Behave decently act fearlessly remember the world is at a slant

Karma is no enigma. You will get only what you plant


Don’t overthink don’t underestimate search for a balance

Don’t follow blindly don’t kowtow or merely repeat the parlance

Don’t prejudge don’t find faults prejudice will keep you in a trance

Life is not complicated. It’s for you to endeavor and enhance


Choose wisely speak precisely articulate your passion

Trust cautiously pick pragmatically don’t recklessly follow fashion

Give plentifully forgive easily treat everyone with compassion

There is bravery in being soft. Your smile can change the equation


Don’t procrastinate don’t be obstinate be ready to fine tune

Don’t quash feeling don’t hide aching you are not immune

Don’t undervalue self don’t overrate others don’t go over the moon

The spirit is indefatigable. Fragments of heart can often be sewn


Do gentle do gracious do that which fulfils your heart

Don’t compare don’t compete don’t let opinions upset your cart

Do humble do straight forward don’t struggle to act smart

Time is short and memories are long. Simple living is an art

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