My learning curves

My conscience is very soft-spoken it gently knocks

My emotions create such din and drama it rocks

My circadian circus

And then the conscience goes quiet awaiting its turn

No “I told you so’s” no jibes no sarcasm no heartburn

I no longer stress


My attitude is unsharpened it has not learnt finesse

My honesties create issues with my mind and its peace

My responses conflict

And then the attitude goes numb wondering what went wrong

In a realm full of twists and turns verities are sold for a song

I begin to reflect


My countenance is very trenchant it cannot conceal

My appendages create chaos I don’t know what to feel

My social skills lack

And then the countenance goes expressionless confused

When it required deceit and disguise my mind had refused

I face the flak


My disposition is very inclined to retreating in its shell

My interactions with the outside always ring some bell

My trepidations surface

And then my disposition goes silent anticipating turmoil

Some books some friends and acquired wisdom provide foil

I survive the race


My thought process is very slow it cannot fathom people

Those delicate nuances in untold stories are like steeple

My equilibrium tips

And then my thought process goes apprehensive sensing dilemma

I am trying to be politically correct I am not getting it by far

I must close my lips

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