Goodness never fails

The air is filled with confusions little stuffs are often offensive

Each one of us is on the edge of reason slightly defensive

In the midst of this chaos goodness of heart will always win

Goodness of heart permeates the mind keeping out the din


Goodness forewords confidence in self honesty in intention

Goodness gives us courage to face unsuspected tension

In the midst of hopelessness goodness of heart lends hope

Goodness of heart chooses faith over fear helping us cope


When the heart is without prejudice and fairness prevails

When the mind is without bias and iniquitous influences fail

In the midst of intimidations goodness of heart acts as shield

Goodness of heart can brave the knocks and help you to heal


Let the outside world tint appearances you remain true

Let the outside world put up a façade you remain you

In the midst of double-edged patterns goodness of heart illumes

Goodness of heart often reveal how people alter their tunes


In the end what matters most is how well you have lived

Your reputation is the wealth left behind from what is sieved

In the midst of the brouhaha goodness of heart will be cherished

Goodness of heart lives forever long after we have perished

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