It takes time

it takes time to grow up still

sweat struggle strength and will

information is unusable without empathy

understanding is lopsided without sympathy

emotion is worthless without maturity

proficiency is pointless without clarity

it takes effort to know the difference

to evolve is logical chronology is inference


it takes time to befit humankind

passion and compassion yet neither should be blind

craving is covetousness without control

kind-heartedness is misdirected without a goal

sentiment is off-center without a definite role

moderation is meaningless without a soul

it takes molding of personality to become

character is not casual there is grind and some


it takes time to forgive and forget

overlook markdown ignore absolve and forfeit

hurt is hard to erase without fear

wound is sometimes visible even without a scar

moving on is impossible without raising the bar

patience is difficult without willpower

it takes special skills to preserve select memories

heart and head both pool in to smoothen anomalies


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