Every day

Every day we encounter a different set of rays

The sun continues relentlessly in its shining ways

Clouds will come and clouds will pass

One thing I have learnt no storms last

I need patience to wait it out

Some courage some faith that is what it is about

Every day we experience a new heart break

Some strangers support you some friends are fake

People will come and people will go

One thing I have learnt is to go slow

I need perceptiveness to read intentions

Some care some compassion to balance emotions

Every day we adjust to diverse circumstances

So many things and peoples act as influences

Conditions may be static and conditions may alter

One thing I have learnt is not to falter

I need ability to adapt to change

Some perseverance some daring to handle strange

Every day we outgrow our old self

Adding new aspects to traits off the shelf

Character is what one is in the dark

One thing I have learnt is to preserve the spark

I need an attitude that does not let me down

Some smiles some optimism to wipe out the frown

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