Murphy and his laws!

Caveats are ubiquitous. I meet them everywhere

Any setting I pick up from my script and they are there

Murphy made laws and the laws they made him omniscient

Oh! Would I love to strangle his throat for being so proficient


Ifs and buts are preposterous. No proceeding is devoid

Of these tiny little speed breakers you cannot avoid

Corollaries to Murphy’s genius they can halt you in your track

One foot forward for the two behind yet you cannot go back


Pros and cons and ups and downs our world is full of them

Two sides to a coin is naivety there is always ‘and then some’

You navigate with eyes wide shut narrowly missing adages

The road was smooth the commentary exaggerated the pages


Talking-tos and telling offs are the bane of a peaceful existence

‘I told you so’s’ are generously peppered upon each reference

The lines crisscrossing my palm are beginning to dissolve

I am waiting for a WhatsApp from Murphy for a new resolve


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