
The eyes express enough in defense

Ears hear untruths and sit on the fence

The tongue lets loose and makes it tense

The mind must analyze to hone intelligence

I wish to rein in each sense

I wish to be fluent in silence


The heart can be sensitive to offense

The spirit can be dispirited whence

Passions can be painted through psychedelic lens

The soul can shrivel with impact hence

I wish to harness strength immense

I wish to be fluent in silence


Honesty must be handled with prudence

Tact is treasured indiscretion is a sign of dense

Integrity can be compromised by circumstance

Between self-respect and ego there must be balance

I wish to learn this subtle difference

I wish to be fluent in silence


Words hang in the air like reminiscence

Sweet ones leave behind their fragrance

Yet one wrong one can destroy confidence

Our choice of words will give us credence

I wish to master the art of reticence

I wish to be fluent in silence



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