Its okay

It’s okay to be sad every once in a while

It’s fine to reflect on the past and smile

Yes one must move ahead with every passing mile

Yet you don’t have to rush through life as if it is going out of style


It’s okay to feel lonely every now and then

It’s not such a tragedy to feel lost and looking for Zen

Yes one must stay connected with the rest of human race

Yet you are permitted some solitary me time in your happy place


It’s okay to be bored and confused sometimes

It’s not always that you can make lemonade from the limes

Yes one must have purpose and ambition in life

Yet remember life is a rollercoaster where ups and downs are rife


Its okay to be lagging behind when competition is strong

Its fine to pace your own race there is nothing wrong

Yes one must lookout for winning and accomplishment

Yet each one is fighting his own battle with some breath on rent


It’s okay to be pessimistic occasionally

It’s not as if every occasion in life is a festivity

Yes one must not let it affect your ability and attitude

Yet we must experience sadness in order to learn gratitude


It’s okay to make mistakes as long as you don’t repeat

It’s a road to success bumps and speed breakers replete

Yes one must know where we went wrong and correct it

Yet victories require patience you reach your goal bit by bit


Its okay to cry sometimes and let the tears flow

It’s part of a process that helps you grow

Yes one must develop resilience to realize your passion

Yet eyes that cry speak of a heart full of compassion




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