
People are never ordinary.

Given a chance everyone has an unfinished tale to tell

Stay humble and learn to listen

Some hurts and anxieties may ring a familiar bell


There are those who reach out to others

Born to touch your soul

Stay keen and learn to spot them

Kindness is contagious it could define your role


Some people win your trust.

Genuine emotion does not need loudspeakers

Stay attentive and learn to verify

Authenticity reminds you ultimately God is your keeper


Some people pretend well.

They know how to say what you want to hear

Stay focused and learn to decipher

You may be holding onto them out of fear


Some  people are honest still noble folks can also falter

Callous streaks in some may have an irreparable background

Stay fair and learn not to judge

Hastily made judgements often come back to hound


Some people come with a warning. Never argue with an idiot.

People watching won’t be able to tell the difference

Stay calm and learn to walk away

Just keep those words in mind for future reference


People are never ordinary

Pushed in a corner they will acclimatize to survive

Stay alert and learn the rules of the jungle

Histories are repeated dead stories can revive



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