
If you tell the truth it becomes part of your past

If you tell a lie it becomes part of a future that lasts

You decide

A peace with nothing to hide

Or constant correcting of each time you lied


If you speak the truth even when your voice shakes

If your lies are smooth yet so many hearts break

You decipher

A calm knowing that He is your keeper

Or the dread of facing the grim reaper


If the words don’t add up truth was not included in the equation

If you are being lied to respect is missing from the relation

You choose

An insult to your intelligence for you are being used

Or walking away from the situation with nothing to lose

Truth and lies are like a boomerang. Its return could leave you in a mess

If you don’t want anyone to know don’t do it. Karma never loses an address

You surmise

We get served what we deserve despite our hues and cries

Life happens anyway trusts fail aches fade your soul is worn but wise



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