The fault in the stars

Of the many faults of mine overthinking is one

I often go in rambling mode never quite done

I think I must stop for a breather and learn to let go

I think I must cut the pace off life and learn to go slow


Of the many faults of mine being perfectionist is another

I stress myself in OCD mode and expect it from the other

I think I must realize God made us this way and that’s it

He never wanted us to be perfect only honest and authentic


Of the many faults of mine I can at times be judgmental

I cannot stand inanity my predisposed mode is instrumental

I think I must go easy on people who fill up this wide earth

The law of averages balances it of goodness there is no dearth


Of the many faults of mine a sharp temper is one for sure

I tend to lose it effortlessly and can’t seem to find a cure

I think I must practice patience and unflappability

I think it would be welcome to cultivate such ability


Of the many faults of mine a serious disposition is there

I can’t make small talk easily for trivial conversations I have no flair

I think I must try to pick up language and emotion of a regular

I think to the outside world my demeanor must be peculiar


Of the many faults of mine softness in the head accompanies heart

I can get bamboozled by emotional outpours which upset my cart

I think I must at least make one sincere effort to steel myself

Naivety in a world exacting only hurts answers don’t come off the shelf



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