
Dialects. Accents. Inflections. Parlances. Tone

The tongue sets off the mind with ideas on loan

If we could guide the mind and hold the tongue a while

We could create a common language simply with a smile


Sometimes a smile can do what loads of attitude cannot

Sometimes a smile is what you need more than all you have got

If we could guide the heart and hold the cunning and guile

We could create a bond forever simply with a smile


From even behind a masquerade we can sense friendliness

Tangible treasures may excite yet intangible generates happiness

If we could guide the greed and hold back self-indulgence and rile

We could create an agreeable balance simply with a smile


When the eyes twinkle with joy and touch base with the heart

We forget so many aches and pains and prepare for a new start

If we could guide heartbreaks and then learn to resist bile

We could create a happy place simply with a smile


They bring memories of all the good times we have had

Smiles are worn best on a spirit that is wounded and sad

If we could guide naïveté and summon our inner child

We could create harmony in being simply with a smile

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