Thin line

There is a thin subtle line between a smile and a frown

It will determine how people treat you on your way down

On your way up its always bright and sunny and exciting

Downhill from the plateau of life you will need more lighting


There is a thin subtle line between street smart and wise

It will determine how you treat people and what you prize

There is smartness in self-interest you can race like the hare

The prudent tortoise has the last laugh even when life is not fair


There is a thin subtle line between honesty and chicanery

It will determine how you juggle judgements and oil machinery

There are plenty of short-term benefits when truth is brokered

What would you look back upon in life when memories are blurred


There is a thin subtle line between affection and affectation

It will determine how you uphold love and its qualification

Remember what you give the world is exactly measure to measure

What you will get back. So always give that which you treasure


There is a thin subtle line between what you see and what you don’t

It will determine how you view the world and what the world wont

Tell you. Now you have to realize where you have been missing out

When you didn’t see the underlying fluxes hiding behind the pout


There is a thin subtle line between ambition and contentment

It will determine the mood of your journey and its enjoyment

Sometimes you may miss your target and still not stay empty handed

Sometimes you may reach the end and still feel stranded




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