Once upon a time

We used to have playgrounds parks and greenery

Where we could run and play and blend in the scenery

We used to have free time once upon a time

We could use it to have fun without spending a dime

My children listen skeptically having vaguely heard of it

Generation next may simply consider such fabrications unfit


We used to have this big black box called the telephone

There even used to be classes where tele-etiquette was honed

We could call up relatives far away shouting at the top of our voice

Neighbors heard our conversations by default there was no choice

My children listen sympathetically whilst playing on their iPhone

Generation next may simply consider it archaic as they control their drone


We used to have schools which imparted education

It was not exactly a work from home kind of situation

We did our homework enjoyed our sports and rarely got bored

We never had computers and calculators we never learnt cheat codes

My children listen dumbfounded at our wearisome schedule

Generation next may simply consider such a school rather uncool


We used to visit relatives in far off places during holidays

To pass our time without devices we would device our own ways

We had never heard of ‘quality time’ or exotic vacations

Lush fields local bazars colloquial joints were our go to locations

My children listen astonished how we survived without internet

Generation next may simply consider it too implausible even to fret


We used to enjoy this thing called life with all its fun and strife

No google no fb no twitter ignorance was bliss and bliss was rife

And then we grew up and changed the rules and our children lost the way

We made the maze more complicated competition ruled the day

My children listen bewildered they never asked to be deprived of childhood

Generation next may simply consider our demands and expectations rude


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