Imaginations run dry

I want to imagine a world where only good news is circulated

Each newspaper every news channel has benevolence decorated

Instead of focusing on crimes and making criminals famous

I’d rather begin with one kind deed each of us can take this onus


I want to imagine a world where physical looks are not shamed

The look with which we see things must not be conditioned but tamed

Instead of judging people on exterior appearance posture or weight

I’d rather we behold in view of viewpoint attitude and character trait


I want to imagine a world where picture-perfect is not celebrated

Flaws have inherent beauty they leave you humbled and educated

Instead of seeking faultlessness let us concentrate on uncomplicatedness

I’d rather live with good-hearted fumbling versus manipulative finesse


I want to imagine a world where good deeds are the new normal

Bringing down somebody is looked down upon and all virtues are formal

Instead of encouraging arrogance and conceit we show off our civility

I’d rather redraft achievement and progress if it comes at the cost of humanity


I want to imagine a world where I am not constantly living up to expectations

Norms were made to ensure discipline not suffocate feeling and numb brains

Instead of imposing benchmarks and standards from a rigid point of view

I’d rather each one his own with a constructive and encompassing worldview


I want to imagine a world where happiness and compassion make it spin

When ambition is clothed in contentment we learn to rise above the din

Instead of fragmented ideas confined in closed minds and sealed hearts

I’d rather we raise the bar for mankind to achieve real potential for a start


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