
They were giving away smiles and I went to collect mine

Some beautiful ones were costly the honest ones were fine

I picked some randomly and realized there was a thin line

Smiles that shone past veiled aching were the most divine


They were distributing happiness and I wanted my share

I thought my portion of tears and empathy had helped me prepare

I realized how important it was to invest compassion and care

In order to gain true happiness intent had to be laid bare


They were bestowing wisdom and I queued up to get more

I assumed these strands of white will help me qualify for sure

But maturity has little to do with age chronology is no cure

Five senses combined with common sense brings sensibleness to the fore


They were awarding stars and I felt I must augment my sparkle

To seize the brightest ones I had to step out my protective circle

Some graciousness some gratefulness and I could fashion a miracle

I now know how to make wishes come true your energy is your oracle


They were dispensing pain and nobody wanted any

The sprightlier counters of hope and dreams had takers many

I ventured out of curiosity and then took note of an irony

Pain imparted invaluable lessons like savings for a spell rainy


They were allocating courage but only after a reality check

You had to acquire honesty and kindness first from the sundeck

A sense of justice a load of patience and to give biases a break

And alongside courage self-confidence was free for yours to take


They were allotting wishes and I did not know what I wanted

I already had so many things that I always took for granted

My privileges and my attitude made my world view slightly slanted

If I identified what to wish for realization would be guaranteed



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