So many reasons to be happy

Plant a sapling. Grow a tree. Watch with pride and you will agree

The immense pleasure to nurture nature gives off joy for free

In life you may have many occasions to lose cool and turn snappy

Remember yet there are always so many reasons to be happy


Go for a trek. Use your feet. Leave stress and strain back home

See the sky converge on earth enwrapping enchanting sunsets chrome

Verdant foothills. Enthusiastic springs. It clears the head and makes you peppy

Escape into a scenery reminding you there are so many reasons to be happy


Talk to a child. Be soft be mild. Get away from grown-up issues occasionally.

Their innocent chatter on topics that don’t matter and ability to love unconditionally

Where adults plan so much they lose the plot till mind and body feel crappy

Keep your inner child alive and you will learn of so many reasons to be happy


Meet old friends. Don’t let relations end. Life is not offering retakes or a sequel

And time has its own agenda. If the feelings are mutual the effort will be equal

Without an eclectic range of family and friends we are bound to become crabby

Mix and match memories. Seek and you will find so many reasons to be happy


Smile more often. Laugh louder. It does not cost much to be cheerful

A world without problems is stranger still. It takes little to be morose and tearful

Real pleasure lies in little things a crush an autograph a road trip a toy so flappy

A pet an old photograph shared celebrations… so many reasons to be happy


Make it a habit to give. Try harder to forgive. Purge yourself for your own good

Wealth is fine. Yet draw the line. Find a mean and live the life you should

Sans greed control only chaos will unfold eventually making you sloppy

The same wealth can be bane simply being humane gives so many reasons to be happy



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