I still remember

I still remember the days I prayed for the things I have now

I tend to take them for granted today then I used to wonder how

I would achieve aims and goals I did not even dare to dream

I would stitch each dream with hope and expectation at the seam


I still remember my search for happiness led me to amassing

I stopped for a breather and realized this pleasure was passing

I now know it’s not happy people who are thankful

I now know its thankful people who are happy and cool


I still remember the people who came in my life for a reason

I believe their presence helped me learn with each changing season

I treasured some I respected some others taught me bitter lessons

I can look back today and forgive. With each forgiving the pain lessens


I still remember shared laughter over a hot cup of coffee with friends

I still recall those days of sheer craziness those nights without ends

I realize recollection is selective and chooses to filter unpleasant retentions

I learn from a wrong turn and then I simply shun those avoidable tensions


I still remember how time weaved its way through moments and memories

I did not want it to leave my timepiece it moved on like the breeze

I slowly learnt how passage of time brushes pains and gains along the way

I don’t want to spoil the ending for you but everything is going to be okay


thank you



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