There is always a way


Never let your fears decide your day

There is always a way


Yes there will be anxieties yes there will be snags

There will be those days when your spirit simply drags

You wish to reach out for the stars but your fortune lags

Your confidence is on the edge and the shoulder sags


Keep it simple just kneel down and pray

There is always a way


Never let your character be affected by what people say

There is always a way


Yes it is not easy yes it is not stress-free

Character building takes honest hard work I agree

People will not appreciate or grasp judgements are for free

They are not in your shoes and typically enjoy your misery


Look deep into the mirror and if you like what you see, stay

There is always a way


Never let cynicism hold sway

There is always a way


Yes optimism may sound naïve yes ideals may give deals raw

Keep faith keep courage keep constructive thoughts at the core

When life shuts a door go open it once more

It’s a door that’s how they work so just make sure


There is always a silver lining to all clouds gray

There is always a way


Never let your uniqueness fade in the fray

There is always a way


Yes everyone wants you to clone yes you will be prone

To follow herd and stick to the security it offers not hone

Your built-in talent a personality to be nurtured and grown

History speaks of the ones who chose a path hitherto unknown


You don’t have to rebel you don’t have to obey

There is always a way


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