What is it?

Some expressions do not need words

Some words are expressionless and vacant

I am searching for something deeper in your eyes

What is the color of commitment?


Some relations do not need endorsements

Some endorsements cannot be counted as relations

I am searching for something sincere in your promise

What is the backcloth of obligations?


Some actions do not need words to explain

Some explanations sound empty without action

I am searching for something steady in your stance

What is the timbre of temptation?


Some cares do not need assertions

Some assertions are not evidence of care

I am searching for something hidden in nonchalance

What is pitch of real and rare?


Some emotions do not need display

Some displays are not necessarily emotive

I am searching for something implicit in an endeavor

What is the set point of sensitive?


Some dispositions do not need judgements

Some judgements tend to become predisposed

I am searching for something impartial in the glance

What is parameter of repose?


Some quests do not need so much introspection

Some introspection has expanded my quest

I am searching for something that will give me answers

What is the limitation of request?


Some smiles do not reach the eyes

Some eyes reveal more than a smile ever would

I am searching for essence in conversations

What is the configuration of mood?


Some moments are stolen from time and preserved

Some time just flies away without logging the moment

I am searching for leisure in the middle of a steeplechase

What is the profile of enrichment?

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