Relation ‘ships’: some rock some rock your boat!

Relations need to be nurtured. Liked those pretty potted plants

Not everyone has a green thumb. Everyone has that eccentric aunt

Juggling different temperaments dealing with peculiar idiosyncrasies

You need a little heart a little hardiness to handle delicate intricacies


Families are what you are born with friends are who you choose

Both are equally precious and precarious not something you should loose

Caveats can drive you crazy but craziness can create finest memories

You never know sometimes outrageous reactions help you lose calories


Charity begins at home they say known devils are so much more fun

So love your relatives make sure you are rich till you are dusted and done

Have a home near the sea keep a bottle of salt handy a pinch may not be enough

Don’t take life seriously letting go is the key when the ship of relations runs on waters rough


Friends are those unpaid therapists who share the same mental disorder

Friends are the ones who keep your insanity intact with rational fodder

Over the years friends know you so well they turn into family

There is comfort in knowing that whenever you feel alone you will not be lonely


Only those who care about you can hear you when you are quiet

Walk away from bad vibes and stay focused on positive and bright

You might upset a lot of folks when you start doing what is best for you

Sometimes your circle may decrease in size but will increase in value


Sometimes people move away sometimes you need to outgrow

You can be a good person with a kind heart and still say no

Learn to discern between fake and true keep your feelings in reserve

Know the difference between what you are getting and what you deserve


Your relationship does not need to make sense to anyone except the one

It’s a relationship not a community project that you reveal everything under the sun

Once you figure out what respect entails you will learn the distinction

Between the two heady emotions respect tastes better than attention


Sometimes a stranger on the subway does a kind deed for you

It leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling driving away the blues

Some relations are forged with effort some need to undergo scrutiny

While some just walk into your lives and we call it destiny


Don’t let misunderstandings ruin relationships and run them to ground

Don’t let misgivings wreck your feelings hurried decisions are unsound

You give your best then leave it sometimes divine intervention is profound

Afterall God has heard the conversations when you were not around


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