
My mind is not in lockdown it roams across realms

My sleep may be troubled but does not ambush dreams

This phase in life is as unique as any another I’d imagine

This silence is so reticent literally rising above the din

It allows for new mindsets to walk in and settle down

Almost as if I have packed my bags and am going out of town


My heart is not in lockdown it is busy building bonds

My conversations may be fewer but like magic wands

It heals the worry of distancing when we exchange greetings

A simple ‘stay safe’ note does more than sociable meetings

When you count your blessings you only have countless gratitude

When you watch a migratory world move on you drop all attitude


My spirit is not in lockdown it is actually getting attention

My day to day routine had kept me from giving it right nutrition

Calming contemplation some positive belief it needs some strengthening

I thought I had time in my control yet the days kept lengthening

Suddenly the show of lifespans has been interrupted with an interval

Suddenly I am not rushing recklessly I am scrutinizing survival


My memory is not in lockdown it is navigating the mindscape

It ambles across forgotten lanes and abets an escape

Tiny by-lanes of memories are rich resources of pleasure

Those carefree days filled with fun and laughter I recollect at leisure

The lockdown may be severe and yes I cannot roam

The flip side of it is that I am in my favorite place- my home!


My dreams are not in lockdown their wings are wounded a bit

I am confident with some inspiration they will soon be fit

My words and texts my rhymes and reasons my lopsided verse

None are bound by lockdowns for better or for worse

I cherish freedom of mind and spirit I love my ruminations

Life can be tough the going rough each breath is still celebration



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