Normal wishes

If wishes were horses then I would need a large stable

With time on hand and daydreams at heart I am able

To let my imagination fly off the handle

The realities I have disrupted in the bargain it will be vandal


Be careful what you wish for, somebody once predicted

What if wishes came true will actualities be evicted

Sometimes we cannot value enough all the things we possess

Sometimes we spend a lifetime desiring things you cannot access


As a child I always felt being adult would be so much fun

I would have no one instructing me and no homework to be done

With all the freedom in the world I could even start my own cult

Some years into adulthood and I am fed up of being adult


As a teen I used to think I am sandwiched in between

Kids get away with murder seniors can be quite mean

It seemed the world was waiting for me to grow up and mature

Now I am responsible for the world even Greece’s fiscal policies for sure


When I stepped into the world full of young ideas and bravura

I realised they are controlled by old statesmen of another era

A heady mix and mismatch of time and age and action

My wish to change the world at large is going out of fashion


Sometime ago I wished for some peace some quality time at home

Somebody up there fulfilled it so and now nobody is allowed to roam

They put the brakes on all our running around like headless chickens

Here we are with time and loved ones at once and in our dens


Now I hear everyone is wishing to make this turn around

Too much tranquility for earthlings we need to make some sound

Social distancing in itself is oxymoron we cannot be bound

By boundaries of our own homes in protest we call it lockdown


Now families have been introduced to each other and learnt

What role is played by who and why the toast has burnt

I wonder what will happen once we return to status quo

There will be new ‘normal’ now we must let the old world go




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