The color of being

The rich man sits in his mansion pleased with his wellbeing

Ironically the ones who work for him are fleeing

To the security of their down-trodden hometowns

Even as the policeman frowns

He despises the poor man’s need for bread

Little realizing nothing is secure. Ultimately even gold is lead


The business tycoon convenes frantic meetings

Social distancing curtails his greetings

Decisions languish in the board rooms

For his drudges there is foreseeable gloom

Is it enough to smile across cover pages offering apologies

An upside-down world needs upside-down strategies


The breadwinner is wondering what tomorrow will bring

Going out for grocery too requires daring

No money in the pocket no permission to earn

Lots of time to contemplate no wood in the fire to burn

Promises were doing rounds in the corridor

Being was fast becoming folklore


The youth are inheriting a new world order

Some broken down principles and some fodder

For thought. Their power will lie in those thoughts

Ideas notions beliefs and convictions. It has brought

Several world orders on its knees in the past

Let the youth revolt and then change will be fast


Human beings are being tried some have turned out positive

Helping brethren in need and shunning the negative

While some continue to indulge in self-furthering politics

Shapes and sizes mentalities and manners we are an eclectic mix

There is an omnipotent power at work correcting our blunders

Like the phoenix we will rise from the ashes and create wonders


Thank you very much


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