Child in hood

On a lighter note:


Baa baa black sheep have you any wool

Why ask sheep? Since when were answering sheep cool

Yes sir yes sir three bags full

This is pulling ears over the wool

One for his master and one for his dame

Now you tell me the sheep also had a flame

And one for the little boy who lives down the lane

You believe in talking sheep? I believe you are insane


Jack and Jill should have gone downhill

To fetch water from the river

Then Jack wouldn’t have fallen down

Nor broken his crown

And they wouldn’t have to worry for water


Mary had a little lamb

Who followed her around

But certainly not to school

Schools have some rules

These rumours just abound


Sing a song of sixpence a pocketful of rye

With a rhyme like that you wave common sense goodbye

4 and 20 blackbirds baked in a pie! For heaven sake why?

Of all the thingamajig ingredients in a pie

When the pie is open the birds began to sing

Singing birds. Live pies. My head is beginning to ring



Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall

From there he then had a great fall

Why would he not sit on a chair

Why could he not take enough care

The King and his men would have been better occupied

If only the good egg had some sense applied




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