Go soft

when you can raise your voice and make so much sound

when you can show off your power and throw your weight around

that is the time when you must step back and evaluate ability

that is the moment when you must go soft and seek humility


when you have health wealth and success at your fingertips

when hangers-on obey each command that leave your lips

that is the time when you must realize this will not last forever

that is the moment when you must go soft and savor


when you feel your preeminence detaches you from the rest

when you begin to fancy only you are the best

that is the time when you must let self-worth trounce ego

that is the moment when you must go soft and let go


when you are being celebrated by so many around you

when your aficionados and followers forever surround you

that is the time when you take stock of genuine perspective

that is the moment when you must go soft and reflective


when you are keeping up late into the silence of the night

when your demons you have rested and are in no mood for a fight

that is the time when a hundred home truths will be driven

that is the moment when you must go soft and ask to be forgiven



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