A celebration called life

(A slightly different take)


From the day you are born

Till six days later when all your hair is shorn

Life is bliss

Then things begin to go amiss

Relatives keep dropping in to sign in their remark

Most of the women are worried that you are dark

Indians at heart we start wondering about marriage

Marrying a dark-skinned person requires courage

Some snigger at your helplessness some relish in it

Going to visit an infant has a peculiar fetish in it

Down the months as your eyes begin to focus

It dawns upon you group obligations are hocus-pocus

Your social smiles are greeted with delight

But you are not tolerable if you cry in the night

After year one you are no longer enigmatic

Every emotion you display is considered dramatic

Welcome to childhood

You’d avoid it if you could

Ice cream flavors to cool haircuts every decision is major

Suddenly before you blink you have become teenager

Now you are not welcome anywhere

Too young for adults too old for kids to care

Cute little dimples are replaced with life threatening pimples

Math science late nights or girlfriend nothing is no longer simple

Times flies

Optimism dies

Full grown creatures breathing skepticism

Look at the biosphere from a prejudiced prism

Oh we adults adore our complications

A Pandora’s box we open with a smile and invitation

Life’s cycle is a thingamajig we can ill afford

And we have cheek to create our own God


Homes to build friends to make status symbols to erect

People to please wars to wage right network to select

Decisions. Big and small

The head and a nice wall

Adulthood is fun.

Keeps you on the run

Fulfil promises fulfil obligations fulfill everything under the sun

End of the day you can bet you are still not done

Save the money and time slips away

Make time for things and wage dips away

What made you think you can have it all

Are you Cinderella at the Queens’s Ball

At the tick of 12 the party ends

At which side of the timepiece are you it depends

You have come a long way from being born

Today you have no hair left to be shorn

So take a deep breath

Before you reach death

Make every breath count

Make every action amount

To awesome.

And then some


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