Distances approved

Sometimes when you become very close

With friends and kinfolk conversation flows

Uninhibitedly. Emotions lean towards verbose

Remember there is a line not to be crossed

The right balance requires nothing is in overdose


Sometimes societal pressures push you gently

Towards doing things against your wishes. You mentally

Disagree. You cannot express yet want out eventually

Remember waiting in the wings is wasteful time

You might find yourself lingering in life perpetually


Sometimes someone may inadvertently play a role

Of giving advice that soothes your anger but injures the soul

Take a deep breath and think before you act. Your goal

Is to move on in life. Not hold on to hatreds and grudges

On hindsight satisfaction in letting go and forgiving is tenfold


Keeping distances from doubtful unscrupulous stuff

Keeping toxic peoples at arm’s length can be rough

You don’t know what is overboard and what is enough

Keep seeking good counsel. Keep conscience by your side

The tough keep going even when the going gets tough






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