
I threw some wishes up in the sky

Some came down in the form of dew

I wished some old habits goodbye

Each day then became as good as new


I stopped turning back again and again

To see the road I was leaving behind

Some memories felt betrayed and vain

Past tenses can play tricks on the mind


Autumn leaves continued to fall and rust

The tree stood strong awaiting spring

The sheer tenacity the absolute trust

Showed off miracles a future can bring


I embraced my imperfections and moved on

Some stars were laughing from above

I only had to learn, not live from what’s done

I did not need disapproval I only needed love


I gathered the flowers the dew was garden-fresh

Even as desires crumbled in my fist

I kept just one thing – gratitude – to refresh

I had grasped the art of living in a gist


Thank you

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