
Had Narcisse never looked at his reflection

We would have been saved of this affliction

Now it is legit to fall in love with one’s self

And procure self-centeredness right off the shelf


Had Edison never joined two different colored wires

We would have been reeling in deep dark desires

Each sunset would be as magical as aurora borealis

We would have to give late night shows a miss


Had Newton never sat under the apple tree

We could have been floating in the air you see

Until we give definition and name to something

Newspapers have us believe it is next to nothing


Had Madame Curie not discovered radium

Trucks on the highway could have gone random

These scientists and their superior brains

Have saved us from many problems and pains


Had Galileo not strained his neck to discover planets

How could Musk conquer Mars how would he even plan it

All the great achievements of modern times

Are based on some age-old idea and inquiry sublime


Had Gustave Eiffel not presented us steel and its power

How could lovers have professed true feeling from a tower

One industrial exhibition that lasted like forever

Now that was not coincidence it was really quite clever

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