Then there is God

Do your best

Don’t take rest

Until you accomplish what you aspire for

If you settle for less

You can never guess

What you could have got had you asked for more

When things go wrong

Dreams sell for a song

And someone shows you the door

Rework the keel

Remember to kneel

And your ship will sail ashore


Success follows perseverance

Luck follows endurance

Struggle forms the core

Old fashioned uncomplicated

Yet rarely rated

The virtue of patience is no folk lore

When things go right

Do not take slight

At those who helped you to the fore

Your story in a gist

It needs a catalyst

How else can He reveal the wings He gave you to soar


There is intention

There is determination

Yet there is so much unknown in store

Ups and downs

Laughter and frowns

You may love some and some you may abhor

Give it your best shot

Mastermind your plot

A creation at your command should leave you in awe

Once you have done your best

Simply let it rest

Then there is God for sure


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