Why I have to impress you?

So I know you are good in all that you do

I admire those qualities though I have no clue

From where to acquire a set of the same

From where to begin to build reputation and name

Norms are ever-changing and so many

I have no thoughts you can keep your penny

Your prominence is impressive and essentially due

Yet I do not know why I have to impress you!


To each one his own or so goes the adage

To keep my little world intact I somehow manage

I never get the time to inquire about others

I never exchange notes in school compounds with mothers

For my lack of people skills I guess I am a misfit

Just how by keeping tabs on you am I doing my bit?

Your ability to know all is too good to be true

Yet I do not know why I have to impress you!


You are extrovert and lively. The life of the party

You can fit the bill of any role model to the tee

I prefer to be low-profile and remain in the background

Not follow the same guidelines by which you are bound

Why ask recurrently why I prefer quiet and cozy

Do I ask the loud ones why they are so noisy?

Your personality oh so visible the concoction you can brew

Yet I do not know why I have to impress you!



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