If only I knew

If only I knew how I could alter my past

Would I choose to try and put life in recast

It’s made up of moments which I treasure

Precious times which gave much pleasure

Plus lapses in judgement culpabilities mistakes

The past was a learning curve with no retakes

Is it best left untouched

A mindscape slightly smudged


If only I knew the exact thing to do

In every situation presently in view

I could always make just the right choice

No trepidation about a tiny doubtful voice

Could I handle a present so picture perfect

My actions could have lifelong effect

So complete really I think it would be odd

Unflawed seamless I could now play God


If only I knew what the future holds in store

Will I be content or will I vie for more

There could be countless thrills in it

There could be difficult drills in it

If I don’t know of the joys to come

I am also unaware of snags and some

Is ignorance truly blissed

Or is there something I have missed


If only I knew of so many things

I could cherry-pick a want and grow wings

But this fumbling erratic human that I am

Is what I love about me, perfection be damned

Do I really want to know past present or future

Or live in the moment each memory to savor

Where is the fun part if life is given on a platter

The smiles the heartbreaks the journey all matter!




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