
Appreciate sheer silence. Learn to observe

Typical talk can only get on your nerve

When eyes are open and the mouth is shut

The echo of the heart is heard in the gut


Appreciate your happy places learn to combat strife

Acquire ability to battle dishonesty and injustice rife

Trials and travails come only to the strong

Credentials that tell the world where you belong


Appreciate an endearing smile emerging through tears

You don’t know where it comes from. The friction the fears

When resolve has the ability to overcome all

When getting up is the key after each and every fall


Appreciate loyalty a trait you have to deserve

It takes integrity and métier kept in reserve

One deep introspective look will reveal detail

Of mainstays which bolster you and never let you fail


Appreciate what you have got not what you wanted

It is so easy to dismiss it off and take it for granted

Nothing comes easy and nothing comes for free

Gratitude entwined in attitude reflects real pedigree



12 Replies to “Appreciate”

  1. Your Inner feelings are so beautifully expressed.

    Love what you write as it somewhere touches the core of a human heart… 💓

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